Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump

This compact portable pump is perfect for around the home. When you need reliable and strong water pressure, this lightweight pump will get the job done. Ideal for homeowners, gardeners and boat owners, this pump is able to push out a good volume and distance when you need it. When you're finished, they're easily stored away ready for their next use..

Ref No: N/A
Year: N/A
Mileage: N/A

£660.00 Inc VAT

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     Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump

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Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump Honda WX 15 Portable 1.5" Water Pump
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