Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump

Water somehow manages to get everywhere and sometimes it feels like there's no escape. However, since our high flow rate pumps are especially designed to deal with large volumes of it which means any problem is quickly solved. They're robust, durabl and powered by our commercial grade GX engine. They're equipped with a number of professional features, including the ability to deal with silt and sand meaning they're perfect for use on construction sites or for clearing floodwater..

Ref No: N/A
Year: N/A
Mileage: N/A

£610.00 Inc VAT

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     Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump

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Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump Honda WB 30 3" Water Pump
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