Muratori Stone Burier

The stoneburiers (also called buryers or stone burriers ) are reverse rotation tillers, that is, they have the rotor shaft that rotates in the opposite direction to the tractor travelling direction. This allows for much less vibrations during work even on compact and not previously worked soil compared to a traditional rotary tiller, leads to better leveling of the soil and, through the effect of the comb with steel teeth placed behind the rotor, to bury, in one pass, grass, residues, pebbles and stones, under a layer of well-refined and soft soil. Muratori SPA offers one of the largest range of stone buriers on the market starting from the small MWX for use on walking tractors capable of burying stones up to about 5 cm (2”) in diameter up to the large MZ18X which can bury stones up to over 15 cm (6“) in diameter (according to the type of soil and the amount of stones present). Muratori stone buriers are ideal for a variety of uses, from horticulture to landscape maintenance, to work in large areas..

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     Muratori Stone Burier

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Muratori Stone Burier
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